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Battlefield 4 解禁

Permalink / Posted on by teizou

11/7 追記 以下の手法はもはや不要となってます。


BF4 は日本だけなぜか 1 週間もおそくスタートするわけでイライラが募りますね。



というわけで,最近 ANO ホームページが猫により荒らされつつあるのでw久しぶりに書いてみました。


VPN 使って国を偽装すれば起動するみたいなのをどっかで見かけたので試しにやってみました。プリロードすんでいる人はたぶん以下の方法でプレイ可能です。ただしあくまで自己責任でお願いします。BAN されても知りません…。

VPN 追加方法

コントロールパネル -> ネットワークと共有センター を開く。



職場に接続 -> 新しい接続の作成 -> インターネット接続 (VPN) を使用 を選択。




このパスワードを記憶する にチェックしておくと便利。正しく入力して次へを押すと自動的に某国へつながる。この状態で Origin を終了してもう一度 Origin を起動すると。。。



Origin が起動したら上記画像のようにプレイ可能か確認し,一度 BF4 を起動して (射撃演習場とかでもいいです) から VPN を切断してください。

PC を再起動したときは


赤丸のところをクリックすると接続可能な VPN のリストが出るので,選んで「接続」ボタンを押す。そして Origin を再起動。切断するときは先ほどの「接続」ボタンが「切断」ボタンに変わっているので,それをクリックするだけ。くれぐれもOrigin が起動した後 VPN を切断することを忘れずに・・・。

Posted on by teizou

Last Modified on 2013-11-07 19:00



2013-11-05 19:23
2013-11-06 17:44




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[11/18 09:44] [Webゲスト] Стремись не к тому, чтобы добиться успеха, а к тому, чтобы твоя жизнь имела смысл. https://helloworld.com?h=ac2d816433bc8b1145efca0c5cc8d33e& NG

[11/18 09:45] [Webゲスト] Стремись не к тому, чтобы добиться успеха, а к тому, чтобы твоя жизнь имела смысл. https://helloworld.com?h=5a75f3a3033ccc26dea86dbf769aece2& NG

[11/18 09:45] [Webゲスト] Стремись не к тому, чтобы добиться успеха, а к тому, чтобы твоя жизнь имела смысл. https://helloworld.com?h=5a75f3a3033ccc26dea86dbf769aece2& NG

[03/10 14:12] [Webゲスト] Bessie Wheat NG

[03/20 15:05] [Webゲスト] Everette Gentry NG

[05/19 15:33] [Webゲスト] Joan Almond: We have hack検閲により削除 your website 137.203 and extract検閲により削除 your databases. This was due to the security holes you had in your your site/server which have gain検閲により削除 us remote control of every検閲により削除g that was on the server. Our team is mostly interest検閲により削除 in customer, administrative, and employee information which we have extract検閲により削除 through your databases once we got remote control over the server. It still ne検閲により削除s to be sort検閲により削除 out but it will be well-organiz検閲により削除 once finish検閲により削除. First, we will be going through the emails/sms information and contac検閲により削除g the recipient how you held in disregard about their information being expos検閲により削除 to a hacking group when you could have stopp検閲により削除 it. This would be detrimental to your personal image with these relationships with these people. Lastly, now that we have information not only will we be monetizing off it with our methods but made public or sold to other people that will do whatever they wish with the information also after we are done. Now you can put a stop to this by paying a $3000 fee (0.11 BTC) in bitcoin. You can find our address by visi検閲により削除g https://blockchair.com/bitcoin/address/31o29SdN5c5fpPuy4WvHzkyT37RHUSA36Q where you can copy and paste the address or scan the QR code. We will be notifi検閲により削除 of payment which we will then delete the information we have obtain検閲により削除, patch the hole in the site/server which we got in and remove you from any future targe検閲により削除g in the future. You have 72 hours in doing so after viewing this message or the series of steps will commence. You can obtain bitcoin through such services such as paxful.com or do a search on bing.com

[03/22 14:29] [Webゲスト] Janna Utter: We have hack検閲により削除 your website https://137.203 and extract検閲により削除 your databases. How did this happen? Our team has found a vulnerability wi検閲により削除 your site that we were able to exploit. After finding the vulnerability we were able to get your database cr検閲により削除entials and extract your entire database and move the information to an offshore server. What does this mean? We will systematically go through a series of steps of totally damaging your reputation. First your database will be leak検閲により削除 or sold to the highest bidder which they will use with whatever their intentions are. Next if there are e-mails found they will be e-mail検閲により削除 that their information has been sold or leak検閲により削除 and your site https://137.203 was at fault thusly damaging your reputation and having angry customers/検閲により削除ociates with whatever angry customers/検閲により削除ociates do. Lastly any links that you have index検閲により削除 in the search engines will be de-index検閲により削除 bas検閲により削除 off of blackhat techniques that we us検閲により削除 in the past to de-index Our targets. How do i stop this? We are willing to refrain from destroying your site's reputation for a small fee. The current fee is $3000 in bitcoins (0.044 BTC). Send the bitcoin to the following Bitcoin address (Make sure to copy and paste): 39gEwGWTbL4xK9HqjDcJHK1LDuE26ZNpPy Once you have paid we will automatically get inform検閲により削除 that it was your payment. Please note that you have to make payment wi検閲により削除 5 days after receiving this e-mail or the database leak, e-mails dispatch検閲により削除, and de-index of your site WiLL start! How do i get Bitcoins? You can easily buy bitcoins via several websites or even offline from a Bitcoin-ATM. What if i don't pay? We will start the attack at the indicat検閲により削除 date and uphold it 検閲により削除l you do, there's no counter measure to this, you will Only end up was検閲により削除g more money trying to find a solution. We will completely destroy your reputation amongst google and your customers. This is not a hoax, do not reply to this email, don't try to reason or negotiate, we will not read any replies. Once you have paid we will stop what we were doing and you will never hear from us again! Please note that Bitcoin is anonymous and no one will find out that you have compli検閲により削除.

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